As a newbie React developer, does not understand when is use stateless (functional) components or stateful components. React hook is a new feature from v16.8, the developer does not worry about react lifecycle, and it is difficult to learn for newbies.
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Hooks are the new feature introduced in the React 16.8 version and helped to isolate the stateful logic from the components. It allows you to use state and other React features without writing a class.
We need to follow two rules when using them:
Hook state:
useState is React Hook that allows you to add state to a functional component. It returns an array with two values.
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
Hook effect:
useEffect is a Hook that is used to manage side effects in functional components. A side-effect is any operation that impacts the component outside of its render, such as making an API call or setting up a timer.
const [blogs, setBlogs] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { fetch('') .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => setBlogs(data)); }, []); return ( <ul> { => ( <li key={}>{}</li> ))} </ul> );
In this example, useEfffect is used to make an API call and then update the blog's state after the component is rendered. In this case, the empty array means that the effect will only run once when the component is mounted.
Hook memo:
useMemo is a hook that is used in the functional component of React that returns a memoized value. It is very useful in optimizing the performance of a React component by eliminating repeating heavy computations.
Let’s make an example to demonstrate:
const [num, setNum] = useState(0); const increaseNum = () => { const newNum = num + 1; setNum(newNum); } return ( <> <p>{num}</p> <p>Divisible By Five: {num % 5 === 0}</p> <button>Increase Num</button> </> )
This means that every time the increaseNum() function is called, the Divisible By Five component is re-rendered unnecessarily, and the code becomes less efficient. We will fix this with the useMemo hook below.
const [num, setNum] = useState(0); const increaseNum = () => { setNum(num + 1); } const divisibleByFiveHook = useMemo(() => { return num % 5 === 0; }, [num]) return ( <> <p>{num}</p> <p>Divisible By Five: {divisibleByFiveHook}</p> <button>Increase Num</button> </> )
In the code above, we set the output of the divisibleByFiveHook() function into a constant memoHook.
This filters the function through the useMemo hook to only check if the specified variable (num in this case) has been changed; only then will this function be rendered.
Hook callback:
The useCallback and useMemo Hooks are similar. The main difference is that useMemo returns a memoized value and useCallback returns a memoized function.
Hook ref:
useRef() only returns one item, and it returns an Object called the current. It can be applied to directly access a DOM element. When updated, it can store mutable values without requiring a re-render.
You would need to access DOM elements, for example, to focus on the input field when the component mounts.
const inputRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { inputRef.current.focus(); }, []); return ( <input ref={inputRef} type="text" /> );
Besides basic hooks, React has some other hooks (useContext, useDebugValue, ...). You can follow this link to read more.
Thank you for reading!
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